This is a collection of my learnings, thoughts, and musings related primarily to web development

Object Oriented Programming in Javascript

This is going to be a long topic that covers most of the general ways Object Oriented Programming (OOP) can be applied in the Javascript language.

Prototypal Inheritance in Javascript

Prototypal inheritance is a very important concept in Javascript for Object Oriented Programming (OOP). In Javascript because Arrays and Functions are just Objects we already have an example of Prototypal inheritance in some of the basic objects we use. This means that both Arrays and Functions have access to the properties and methods of the Object class through the inheritance chain


Javascript allows us to pass functions around as data much like any other data type, and the javascript engine provides us with lexical scope. Due to these two characteristics of the language we have Closures.

Types in Javascript

Every programming language has various types which are different representations of data, such as numbers, strings, booleans, and so on. In Javascript, there are 7 types

Javascript Fundamentals 2

This is a continuation of the Javascript Fundamentals series, this time covering variable environments, scope, and 'this' in Javascript.

Javascript Fundamentals 1

This series of posts is composed of various notes regarding the basic fundamentals of how Javascript works under the hood.

The Javascript Engine: Part Two

When working in Javascript, one doesn't always think too much about the call stack or memory heap directly as these are all managed by our engine, but these are critically important programming concepts that can help us write better code.

The Javascript Engine

If we want to talk to a computer, we have to speak to it in a language it understands. For the computer to actually understand Javascript, we need a javascript engine. This engine effectively translates our javascript code into a language that it can actually understand.