About Me

Hi there! I'm Tim, a professional web developer, and life-long tech enthusiast who loves to develop web applications and build software.

I have over five years of programming experience, mostly in web development, but I also have worked on various other projects in Unreal Engine (using C++ and Blueprint visual scripting). I specialize in frontend development but also work with the full stack. I personally love using react and Nextjs, as well as Jamstack architecture. Other frameworks I have used include Vue3, TailwindCSS, SASS, and component systems.

Currently, I am available for full-stack or frontend development roles on web and mobile applications. I am actively looking for opportunities, so please do not hesitate to contact me!

I love learning about other cultures, and when I'm not at the PC developing various projects you can find me practicing Yoga spirituality (Bhakti Yoga), or spending time in nature hiking and camping.